Sunday, June 20, 2010

18 months and still a growin'.

So here we are. Ike is 18 months old. 30+lbs and 33+". He talks all the time and is go go go. Where he go this is so weird?:)

Summer is here and we have been really busy. I have been working a lot. Not that I'm actually that busy, but every deal I do seems to have a lot more steps lately. Plus, the great OK hail storm, the "500 year flood" and the exhausting abnormal heat are not helping my real estate market, anyway.

Ike and I have a pass to everything and have really been working on our garden, which has seen better days. The hail knocked off 90% of our beloved peaches and killed our new tulip tree. The roofers knocked down a bunch of my flowers and all the lilies that the hail didn't kill. I have pine beetles in my 100 foot loblollies that are killing them at a rapid speed (a problem that has plagued the whole city) and I, of course, have squash bugs making sure I will not have any zucchini without dousing them in poison.
I do realize that no one out the cares about my garden besides me and Luke and maybe our neighbors who get all the stuff we can't eat. But it is really depressing me. That and the fact I can't run because it is too hot by the time Ike goes to school and doesn't cool down till after it is way dark and close to my bed time. I'm going to have to break down and get another gym membership.

The only thing that might make me feel better is going to the water park with Ike or the zoo and all the other things that are now acceptable to do during the day because I'm a mom.

I really enjoy being Ike's mom. I think I have said before that I wouldn't necessarily say that a have a blanket love of being a mom. Ike is cool and funny and great to be around. He hugs at the exact moment you need it, but throws a fit at the same moment you wish he wouldn't :).
He laughs at all my jokes and his are pretty funny too. He is fun loving and a little social butterfly, preferring older ladies of around 3-6 years of age. A woman at the zoo last week said Ike likes cougars when he was following around her daughter, offering her whole wheat gold fish (the kind no kid really likes but makes me feel better for giving him crackers-although I seem to have no trouble giving him pizza and french fries).

The picture with me and Ike on top of the metal gorilla was an extremely bad idea. Ike is not a climber. I am. I placed him on top of this dangerous piece of yard art and started to climb up there, holding him, with wet, sweaty flip flops. The whole time I'm thinking what a horrible idea this is and that my mother is going to watch her child kill her grandchild. Everything worked out, but I'm most likely not doing it again.

In the bigger of news....I have Ike's final adoption scheduled for the end of this month. whoot whoot! I'm doing it myself and thought it would be a great idea to take the entire family (minus Sculley and Mulder) to go file his petition. I most likely will not file any thing with Ike again. He was running around making friends with people and making me nervous. I don't get to court much any more and for some reason it scares me. Anyway, it's filed and court date is set.

I hope everyone is surviving this crazy weather and having a great summer.!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

yay for your the final part being scheduled! how AWESOME! and it looks like the pair of you have an absolute BLAST together! too funny about the cougars :-)