Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's Official!

On Monday, we finalized Ike's adoption! Yah. Not that really anything changes, but I have been having anxiety over it this whole time. I can't stand things hanging over my head. Now I just have to wait on citizenship, but I can send that in as soon as his birth certificate gets here (hopefully tomorrow). One reason I have been so concerned about this is that I did the proceeding myself. See, I'm one of those attorney's that never really goes to court. I own a real estate company and, basically, sell houses for a living. Not that I don't do attorney things, because I do. One, I write contracts all the time :) and I do a little bit of Pro Bono things, which lead me to court. But mainly, I do a lot of transactional work on a case by case basis.
Anyway, I was scared because I had never done an adoption before, and it required a lot of research. My good friend K gave me her documents for her baby's adoption, and that helped so much, but I had the pretty real fear that I was going to be in court in front of a judge I did not know and he would say, "Ms. Corbin, you omitted a necessary document. Adoption denied until further documentation". My whole family would be there looking at me and thinking I was ridiculous and I should have footed the bill for a 'real lawyer'.
But none of that happened. In fact, the Judge commented on my thoroughness and said he would like to see me do other cases in his court. So how 'bout that adoption friends?? I'm officially for hire!

Sunday, before our court date, Ike got sick. We went to the zoo. Saw my friends from law school that have a baby around Ike's age. Ike is tackling her for her juice box, sharing her drink. This always makes me nervous because, as I'm sure you know, kids are like little disease carriers. And what makes my concern worse is that I'm more concerned about Luke and I getting sick!!! What kind of mom does that make me? It's horrible. All I can think of is us being sick and not being able to take care of him or work. Plus, it's not like I have sick days. When one has their own business, one works when one has work and it does not matter if one is on their death bed. I digressed, but really, we all know that your baby sneezes and you will be in bed for days.
So immediately after leaving the zoo, Ike passes out in his car seat, then throws up the sausage kolache he had for breakfast. Then passes back out. He took a small nap, then went out to lunch with Luke. During the extremely short drive home, Ike puked sandwich all over himself and Luke's new car. Apparently, it was horrible.

So, then, my new court room fear became...I'm holding Ike doing my attorney thing in front of the Judge, "Your honor, my husband and I would like to adopt this child and change his name too.." PUKE all over me and then I start gagging.
This didn't happen either. In fact it went really really well!!! Ike was terrific. I think he felt very special sitting with all the other attorney's. Adoption's are held in a closed courtroom in OK so we went last in the docket. I had the whole family waiting outside the courtroom and I was going in and out waiting for everyone else to get done. Ike had to go with me and did not want to leave the courtroom. He was hanging on the Judge's every word.

Please, Lord, let him be a dentist or in veterinary medicine, a banker or an engineer. Please don't let him go to law school:) I'm kidding.

After our day in court, we had some family over for the sandwiches Luke ordered the day before, before the puke. I made a little cake. If you notice in the picture above, Ike licked the cake before we where able to serve it up.

In other news, My brother watched Ike this morning during my weekly struggle to secure child care on the days he does not have school (he will be attending a full time facility in the fall). I guess Ike feel asleep during the drive to the mall so my brother texted his girlfriend with something similar too, 'Ike's asleep in my truck and I'm at the mall. What do I do". She called immediately, thinking he was in the mall and Ike was asleep in the car-alone. :)


Elisabeth said...

Yay for the big day!
Good job being his lawyer, wink. Very cool. Like is getting so big! I love his smile.

KJ said...

I've been following your blog for ages now (my husband & I are also eagerly awaiting a referral!) and I think your son is absolutely adorable! And many congrats on the "official" day! It's such a pleasure reading about all of Ike's adventures & and your fun way of reporting all of them!

Jenny said...

way to go and congratulations!!!!

Amanda said...

Congratulations!! Ike is such a trooper. Thank goodness the proceedings were puke-free!

So happy that this last step is out of the way. I hate to have things hanging over my head too.

AmandaA (Dillon forum)

Jenny said...

thanks for the "good vibes!!!" even if we don't get a referral this month, hopefully there will be some GOOD movement!!!