Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"Are you going to 'get' another one" and other crazy comments.

I just got done reading another blog I follow where she had what I call an "ignorant encounter". Luke and I thought we could write down just some of the random things people have said to us about adoption or Ike's ethnicity.

There is this grandmother of a girl in Ike's current class that drives me up the wall. So much so that I loath seeing her and will sometimes get there early or late as too not run into her. I see her multiple times a week and every time she comments about Ike being different or Korea/Koreans. Keep in mind that these questions are all on different occasions and stand alone.

* "Where did you get him?" This just isn't her, but people all over. Oh, you know, he was on the top shelf at walmart. Not on sale or anything but we thought we would splurge.

* "isn't it great that 'they' are 'all' Christians over there now?" I wasn't aware of this...

* "did you use an agency"

* Today: "I just think all Asian babies are beautiful. Not like American babies. Not that I consider him Asian. I consider him to be 'white'"

Moving on to others:

* "how much did he cost?"

* "Are you getting a little "Chinese'?" My husband, "no, I'm getting a whole Korean".

* "why is there an Asian on your desk". My husband, "what?"

* "Did you adopt from overseas because it is cheaper?" No. "Oh, then it must be because the paperwork is as extensive since the standard of parenting isn't as high".

* "Does he squat like that because he is Asian?" Luke, "Look, Ike, it's a fat ass". (I know that is bad, but sometimes your fed up)

* "Has he shown a tendency towards math? You know, because he's Asian?"

* Maybe my favorite. "Does he speak Korean?" No he is a baby and has lived here for almost half of his life and all that he can remember. "Do you speak Korean".

* "Your wife must look really Asian, because he doesn't look white at all." Luke, "Thank you".

* Old guy at the mall. "Is his dad Japanese?" No. "He looks Chinese" ???? me: "he was born in Korea". Old guy: "so his dad is Chinese"

There are PLENTY more. The funny thing is that we live in the middle of a huge Asian district in a city of tons of Asians and some of these things have been said by... Asians. Most of the people aren't trying to be hurtful or rude. But my God I don't know if we just look friendly or what :).

The woman at Ike's school is the most annoying because for six times a week I am asked questions about Ike being Korean or adoption. Every time. Three days a week, pick up and drop off, six times a week. Once she said that Korea was a beautiful place... she really liked Beijing. I don't even correct her.

We are super psyched because Ike is starting a new school in two weeks and there is a boy named Santiago in there. We are hoping he will take off the pressure. :)


Brooke said...

I laughed at this post so hard I snorted! Totally hilarious in a sad sort of way:) I hope I am never that clueless!!!

Jenny said...

GEEZ. people are MORONS. "does he show a tendency towards math?" WHAT?! oh yeah, we've already enrolled him in calculus II for the fall... he's a KID! STUPIDS. people are STUPIDS.

Mama E said...

This was hilarious!!!!!!!! People are complete idiots!

The most common question I get asked is "Why did his mom give him up?" Sorry....but I'm not going to divulge that to anyone let alone a complete stranger!!

Becky and Bruce said...

Oh, Amber...you are crackin' me up! Bruce and I have heard so many of these, too! My favorite was when a woman (who was caucasian) started saying "hello" to Colin in Chinese and then pointed to her teenage daughter (who was asian) and said, "this is what they look like when they are teenagers." Bruce and I (and our two friends with us) were absolutely mortified!!! I wanted to run out of that place right then and there! They kept speaking to us and we just nodded and kept eating our food...it was totally unbelievable.

Christine @ 12,450miles said...

I think you know I appreciate this. Man, you've gotten way more stupid comments than I have! Why are people so DUMB?! We've gotten the really smart comment as well, to which I've responded, "Yup, he's taking a class in molecular engineering in the fall." UGH!

Unknown said...

Oh Amber, the only way for it not to drive you insane is to laugh about it!! I have never heard the "cheaper from overseas" comment. Love that one! (I think Ike is showing an aptitude for Escapism. Maybe you should enroll him in a Houdini class?:P)

Kindall Family said...

So funny!!! My favorite so far has been (as Luci and I were shopping), "She is so cute...I always wanted to get me one of those!" Hey lady, Aisle 6!!!